Disease Risk Factors In Different Gender:

drgood deed
3 min readJul 29, 2021


As we all know, at social level there is no difference between male gender and female gender but if we talk about health then there are different disease risk factors in different gender, for example, in female gender the most common disease risk factors are obesity, low bone density, and physical inactivity. In male gender the most common disease risk factors are high level of cholesterol that’s why you should check your cholesterol level at a regular interval of time, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, etc. In this article, we are going to discuss the disease risk factors in different gender.

Firstly, Let Us Talk About The Disease Risk Factors In Female Gender:

1. Heart Diseases:

It is one of the most common disease risk factors in males as well as in females. There are many things in which you are not able to do anything but there are some risk factors which you can do to protect yourself from heart diseases. As per the data, In the USA more than 3 lakh women were killed in 2020 because of heart diseases and heart attack that’s why it is very important to take care of your heart. To protect yourself from heart diseases you have to follow these steps:

  • Do excercise regularly.
  • Limit your alcohol consumption.
  • Take a proper balanced diet.
  • Check your cholestrol level at regular intervals.
  • If you smoke then try to avoid smoking.

By following these tips you can reduce the risk of heart diseases.

2. Low Bone Density (Osteoporosis):

It is also a very common disease which is seen in women after the age of 35. The causes of this disease are:

  • Shortage of calcium in bones that’s why if you are suffering from this disease then try to increase the consumption of milk, it will give a strength to your bones.
  • This disease may also cause if you consume an excess amount of alcohol.
  • If you are not taking balanced diet regularly.

These are some main causes of low bone density (Osteoporosis). Now let us talk about the tips by which you can protect your body from Osteoporosis.

  • Do weight bearing exercise like dancing, walking, jogging, etc regularly it will help in strengthening your bones.
  • Increase the quantity of calcium and vitamin D in your life because it is very important for bones.

By following these tips you can reduce the risk of low bone density (Osteoporosis) in your body.

Now, Let Us Talk About The Disease Risk Factor In Male Gender:

1. High Cholestrol Level:

Nowadays, high cholesterol level in a body is a very common problem, it can cause many serious diseases in your body, for example, coronary heart diseases that’s why it is very important to maintain the cholesterol level in your body. You can easily maintain the cholesterol level of your body by following these tips.

  • Avoid trans fats in your diet.
  • Do excercise daily.
  • Eat green vegetables and healthy food.
  • You can try supplements that are available in the market.

2. High Blood Pressure:

After the age of 40 most of the men are suffering from high blood pressure. The common causes of high blood pressure are high concentration of salt in your diet, obesity, and the disturb level of cholestrol in body. High blood pressure can cause many serious disease, for example, diabetes, long term kidney infection, glomerulonephritis, etc. You can easily maintain your blood pressure levels by follwing these ways:

  • Do not take too much stress.
  • Use low sodium salt in your diet.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.
  • You can also drink tomato juice in the condition of high blood pressure.



drgood deed
drgood deed

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